Vestige Products Price List India 2024

यहाँ Vestige Products Price List India 2023 दी गयी है। हम आपको इस टॉपिक में Vestige Products With DP, PV के बारे में बतायेंगे। अगर आपको वेस्टीज प्रोडक्ट्स PV DP Price के बारे में जानना है तो आपको इस टॉपिक को पूरा पढ़ना चाहिए।

Vestige Products Price list
Vestige Products New Price List 2023

वेस्टीज प्रोडक्ट्स खरीदने से पहले आप को इस लिस्ट को जरूर देखना चाहिए। इस टॉपिक में हम Vestige Products, Vestige MOM Products list, Vestige Brand, और Vestige Product Category कवर करेगें।Vestige World and India Leading Direct Selling Company में से एक है। Vestige Products इंटरनेशनल लेवल के बेस्ट क्वालिटी के प्रोडक्ट है।

Read also:- Network marketing kya Hai?

Table Of Contents

Vestige Marketing Pvt Ltd Kya hain?

Vestige एक Network Marketing या Direct Selling Company हैं। जिसकी शुरुआत 3 लोगो, Mr. Gautam BaliMr. Deepak SoodMr Kanwar Bir Singh ने मिलकर 2 June 2004 को की थी। आज Vestige India के साथ-साथ UAE, Oman, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, देशों मे भी काम सफलतापूर्वक कर रही है। Vestige वर्ल्ड की और India की Leading Direct Selling कंपनीयों में से एक है। 

Vestige की फुल जानकरी के लिए यहां Click करे।

Products Price list India 2023

इस टॉपिक में Vestige Products Price list India 2023 के बारे में फुल डिटेल्स BV, PV and Price के साथ बताया गया है। वेस्टीज के पास प्रोडक्ट्स के बहुत बड़ी रेंज है। वेस्टीज के प्रोडक्ट्स वर्ल्ड-क्लास क्वालिटी, Chamical free, वेलनेस प्रोडक्ट्स है। वेस्टीज अपने ब्रांड के साथ- साथ इंटरनेशनल ब्रांड के साथ कोलोब्रेशन करके उनके प्रोडक्ट भी available करती है।

Vestige Brands

  1. वेस्टीज Vestige
  2. वेस्टीज प्राइम Vestige Prime
  3. आयुशान्ते Ayusante
  4. ड्यु गार्डन DewGarden
  5. हाइवेस्ट Hyvest
  6. अश्योर नेचुरल Assure Natural
  7. अश्योर ASSURE
  8. डेंटअश्योर dentASSURE
  9. इंविगो Invigo
  10. ज़ीटा ZEta
  11. इनरवा Enerva
  12. लाइट हाउस Lite House
  13. वेसकेयर Vescare
  14. एग्री 82 Agri82
  15. स्किन फार्मूला 9 Skin Formula 9
  16. ट्रूमैन Truman
  17. मिस्ट्रल ऑफ़ मिलान Mistral of Milan
  18. मैक ड्राइव Mach-drive

Read Also:- Benefits Of Network marketing

Vestige Products list

Vestige Product Category

vestige company products को अलग अलग केटेगरी में बाटा हुआ है।

  1. आयुर्वेदिक प्रोप्राइटरी मेडिसिन
  2. हेल्थ केयर / फ़ूड
  3. कन्जुमेबल / हेल्थ फ़ूड
  4. पर्सनल केयर
  5. मेंस रेंज
  6. ओरल केयर
  7. होम हाइजीन
  8. एग्री प्रोडक्ट्स
  9. मैक ड्राइव
  10. होम एप्लायंस
  11. वेस्टीज एसेंटिअल्स
  12. बिज़नेस टूल्स
  13. यूनिफार्म
  14. कलर कॉस्टेमिक

Vestige home products price list

Vestige Products Price List 2023

Vestige Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
20004Vestige Noni90 capsules18.05500
20005Vestige Aloe Vera60 capsules9.17275
20007Vestige Ganoderma90 capsules26.17785
20008Vestige Colostrum60 capsules20.5615
20009Ayusante Procard60 capsules27.33820
20010Ayusante Glucohealth60 capsules22.67680
20011Ayusante Toxclean60 capsules23.5705
20012Ayusante Vital Complex60 capsules25.5765
20013Ayusante Kidneyhealth60 capsules21.67650
20014Ayusante Liverhealth60 capsules21.83655
20015Ayusante Respocare60 capsules20.83625
20016Vestige Curcumin Plus60 capsules30900
20017Vestige Shatavari Max90 capsules15.33460
20021Vestige Coconut Oil60 capsules20600
20022Ayusante Prostate Care60 capsules15450
20023Vestige Spirulina100 capsules12360
20025Vestige Amla60 capsules6.17185
20026Vestige Neem100 softgels11.67335
20027Vestige Flax Oil90 softgels18540

Vestige Health Care/Food Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
21001Vestige Glucosamine60 tablets17.33520
21002Vestige Glucosamine100 tablets27810
21003Vestige L-Arginine15 x 10 g441320
21004Vestige Protein Powder200 g22.83685
21005Vestige Fibre200 g25.67770
21006Vestige Folic & Iron Plus60 capsules8240
21008Vestige Stevia100 tablets4.67140
21011Vestige Protein Powder500 g53.331600
21012Vestige Detox Foot Patches10 pieces33.441204
21013Vestige Prime Krill Oil30 softgels41.671250
21016Vestige Veslim Shake500 g451350
21017Vestige Veslim90 capsules36.671100
21018Vestige Cranberry60 capsules54.331630
21019Vestige Eye Support30 capsules19.17575
21020Vestige Prime Combiotics30 capsules15450
21021Vestige Veslim Tea150 g22.67680
21023Vestige Calcium100 tablets7.67230
21026Vestige Collagen10 x 7.5 g20600
21027Vestige Prime Metamind30 tablets36.671100
21028Vestige Prime Sea Buckthorn60 capsules28.33850
21029Vestige Hair, Skin & Nail60 capsules16.67500
21030Vestige Coenzyme Q1030 softgels40900

Vestige Consumables Health Food Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
21022Invigo FreshnUp Drink200 g6.67200
22002Zeta Coffee50 g5.27158
22003Invigo Nutritional Protein Powder (Chocolate)200 g16.83505
22004Invigo Nutritional Protein Powder (Chocolate)500 g38.331150
22006Enerva Choco-Flaxseed Bar30 g1.6750
22007Enerva Breakfast Cereal350 g8.3299
22009Lite House Olive Pomace Oil1 L21.67650
22010Zeta Special Tea Bags100 x 2 g5200
22011Zeta Gano Coffee max 2 IN 1100 g19.17575
22012Enerva Protein Snack Bar30 g1.8355
22013Enerva Energy Snack Bar30 g1.6750
22015Zeta Premium Spice Tea200 g8.33250
22016Zeta Special Tea250 g4.37175
22018Lite House Rice Bran Oil2 L6.58450

Vestige Personal Care Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
23003Assure Active Deo (Men)150 ml4.53163
23006Assure Shaving Cream100 g3.37101
23007Assure Rapture (Women)125 ml4.53163
23008Assure Exfoliating Face Scrub60 g8.43253
23009Assure Hair Spa150 g11.67350
23010Assure Hair Conditioner75 g6.93208
23011Assure Hair Oil200 ml5.5165
23014Assure Foot Cream50 g4.7141
23015Vescare Insta Relief Cream50 g4.3129
23016Assure BB Cream30 g11.33340
23018Assure Body Polish150 ml10.3309
23019Assure Body Wash150 ml8.63259
23020Assure Deep Cleanse Shampoo (Oily)200 ml4.53163
23021Assure Moisture Rich Shampoo (D&D)200 ml4.53163
23022Assure Daily Care Shampoo (Normal)200 ml4.53163
23023Assure Anti-Ageing Night Cream60 g7.3219
23024Assure Complete Fairness Cream50 g4.69169
23025Assure Instant Glow Face Pack60 g4.87146
23026Assure Facial Massage Cream60 g7.07212
23029Assure Sun Defense SPF 30+60 g7.5225
23030Assure Clarifying Face Wash60 g4.88146
23031Assure Arctic Perfume Spray100 ml9.17275
23032Assure Pulse Perfume Spray100 ml9.17275
23033Assure Aura Perfume Spray100 ml9.17275
23034Assure Creamy Cleansing Bar75 g1.4753
23035Assure Hand & Body Lotion250 ml6.37191
23036Assure Daily Moisturiser250 ml8.27248
23037Assure Purifying Cleanser + Toner250 ml9270
23038Assure Hand Wash250 ml4.17125
23039DewGarden Foaming Intimate Wash80 ml6180
23040Assure Captive Perfume Spray18 ml2.8385
23041Assure Blossom Perfume Spray18 ml2.8385
23042Assure Charisma Perfume Spray18 ml2.8385
23043Assure Aloe Cucumber Aquagel100 ml9270
23044Assure Tanclear Face Pack60 g7.5225
23045DewGarden Sanitary NapkinPack of 108.33250
23046DewGarden Panty LinersPack of 125150
23047Assure Night Care Gel Creme60 g9270
23048Assure Natural Sunscreen SPF 40+75 g14.5435
23049Assure Natural Lightening Cream SPF 1575 g12360
23050Assure Natural Day Cream100 g10.33310
23051Assure Natural Facial Foam150 ml16.5495
23052Assure Natural Micellar Water100 ml7.83235
23053Assure Natural Mud Mask75 g8.33250
23054Assure Natural Face Scrub75 g8.83265
23055Assure Natural Charcoal Peel-off Mask75 g8.17245
23056Assure Natural Sleeping Mask75 g15.33460
23057Assure Natural Body Wash200 ml16.8480
23058Assure Natural Hand and Body Cream100 g10.83325
23059Assure Natural Multifunctional Oil100 ml18.33550
23060Assure Natural Hair Mask150 g12.77365
23061Assure Cocoa & Peach Body Butter200 g14.7441
23062Assure Hand Wash F/T250 ml4.12130
23066Assure Germ Protection Soap75 g1.545
23067Assure Hand Cleansing Gel500 ml8.06290
23068Assure Hand Cleansing Gel60 ml1.8165
23069Assure Soap100 g1.1140
23072Assure Complexion Bar75 g1.8767
23073Assure Force Fresh Body Talc100 g1.7457
23074Assure Enchant Body Talc100 g1.7457

Vestige Truman Men’s Range Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
29005Truman Face Wash75 ml7.67230
29006Truman Deodorant150 ml7.69231
29007Truman Bathing Bar125 g3.57107
29008Truman Shaving Gel50 g3.5105

Vestige Oral Care Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
24003Dentassure Toothpaste100 g2.1765
24004Dentassure Whitening Toothpaste90 g4.17125
24005Dentassure Mouth Wash250 ml5.83175
24006Dentassure Multi-Action ToothbrushSet of 46.93208
24007Dentassure Gano Toothpaste100 g5150

Vestige Home Hygiene Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
25001Hyvest Ultra Wash Liquid Laundry Detergent500 ml10.7321
25002Hyvest Ultra Scrub Dishwashing Liquid500 ml5.9177
25003Hyvest Ultra Swab Floor Cleaning Solution500 ml6.2186
25004Hyvest Ultra Shine Glass and Household Cleaner500 ml6.57197
25006Hyvest Ultra Matic Detergent Powder500 g4.67140
25008Hyvest Ultra Guard Toilet Cleaner500 ml3.67110
25009Hyvest Ultra Protek Disinfectant Spray170 g9.33280
25010Hyvest Ultra Shield500 ml19.83595

Vestige Agri Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
26001Vestige Agri – Moss500 ml501500
26002Vestige Agri – Gold100 g16.67500
26004Vestige Agri – Nanotek500 g41.671250
26005Vestige Agri 823 x 100 ml9270
26006Vestige Agri 82500 ml12.57377
26007Vestige Agri 825 L110.633319
26008Vestige Agri – Humic500 ml16.5495
26009Vestige Agri – Humic Granules5 kg20600
26011Vestige Agri – Moss100 ml11330
26012Vestige Agri – Protek500 g41.671250
26013Vestige Agri Aquagel1 kg551650

Vestige Mach-Drive Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
40001MACH-DRIVE NanoEnergizer 2/3 Wheeler30 ml42.671280
40002MACH-DRIVE NanoEnergizer 4 Wheeler30 ml53.331600

Vestige Home Appliance Poducts List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
27001Sharp Replacement Hepa Filter1 unit92.363325
27002Sharp Air Purifier1 unit616.6718500
27003Sharp Water Purifier1 unit933.3328000
27004Sharp Water Purifier Pitcher1 unit93.332800
27005Sharp Pitcher Consumable1 unit17.51050
27006Consumable PP Filter1 unit11.08665
27007Consumable CB Filter1 unit12.75765
27008Carbon Filter1 unit79.172850
27009Consumable 10 inch Disruptor1 unit15.551400
27010Consumable RO Membrane1 unit26.672400

Vestige Essentials Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
40003Vestige Nasofilters30 pieces14.5435
Vestige Face Mask For Men (L / XL)Set of 24.67140
Vestige Face Mask For Women (M / L / XL)Set of 24.67140
Vestige Face Mask For Kids (S)Set of 24.67140
7608Vestige Celebration Mask For Women (M)1 piece6.67200
7609Vestige Celebration Mask For Men (L)2 pieces8.33250
7610Vestige Celebration Mask For Men (XL)2 pieces8.33250

Vestige Business Tools Products List

Product CodeProduct DescriptionProduct SizePVDP (INR)`
Success Plan**1 Book020
Health Guide**1 Book032
7005ADistributor Application Form With ID CardSet of 5014
7701Vestige Flip Chart1 piece0180
7002AProduct Catalogue – Assamese1 piece032
7006BProduct Catalogue – Bengali1 piece050
7006EProduct Catalogue – English1 piece058
7002GProduct Catalogue – Gujarati1 piece032
7006HProduct Catalogue – Hindi1 piece058
7002KProduct Catalouge – Kannada1 piece032
7006MProduct Catalogue – Marathi1 piece050
7002MAProduct Catalogue – Malayalam1 piece032
7002MZProduct Catalogue – Mizo1 piece050
7002PProduct Catalogue – Punjabi1 piece032
7006TProduct Catalogue – Tamil1 piece050
7006TEProduct Catalogue – Telugu1 piece050
7101Voice1 piece051
7501Vestige Car Book1 Book12.51125
224AAir Purifier LeafletSet of 5035
7201Leading Ladies Book1 Book12.51125
7502Wellth on Wheels (Luxury Car Book)1 Book28.331700
318ACloth Carry Bag (Plain)1 Bag0.1715
317Vestige Distributor Laptop Bag1 piece32.782950

Vestige Uniforms Products List

7401Vestige System Tie1 piece6.67400
7601Vestige System Saree1 piece21.671950
Vestige T-Shirt ( S / M / L / XL / XXL )1 piece7.5450

MOM Vestige Products Price List 2023

वेस्टीज के पास कलर कॉस्मेटिक की एक wide रेंज है। वेस्टीज ने कलर कॉस्मेटिक के लिए इंटरनेशनल ब्रांड Mistral of Milan के साथ कोलोब्रेशन किया हुआ है। यहाँ Vestige MOM Product Price List 2023 दी गयी है।

MOM Vestige Lips Product List

P.CodeProduct DescriptionP.SizePVDP(INR) 
3250 IMOM* Creme Matte Lipstick Tender Pink 00 I4.2 g12360
32502MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Classic Red 0024.2 g12360
32503MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Ruby Red 0034.2g12360
32504MOM* Creme Matte Lipstick Royal Pink 0044.2 g12360
32505MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Lady in Red 0054.2 g12360
32506MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Chilli Pepper 0064.2 g12360
32507MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Sunny Orange 0074.2g12360
32508MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Everyday 0084.2 g12360
32509MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Pink Flash 0094.2g12360
32510MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick My Pink O I 04.2 g12360
325 I IMO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Dangerous O I I4.2 g12360
32512MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Peach Pop O 124.2 g12360
32513MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Rose Gold O I 34.2 g12360
32514MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Hazel’s Magic O144.2 g12360
32515MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Checo lava O I 54.2 g12360
32516MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Let’s Jam O 164.2 g12360
32517MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Fiery Red O 174.2 g12360
32518MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Mauved! 0184.2 g12360
32519MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Bitten Apple O194.2g12360
32520MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Juicy Orange 0204.2 g12360
32521MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Oxford Wine 0214.2 g12360
32522MOM* Creme Matte Lipstick Midnight Raspberry 0224.2 g12360
32523MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Cappucino 0234.2 g12360
32524MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Silky Peach 0244.2 g12360
32525MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Hettie 0254.2 g12360
32526MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Trend Setter 0264.2 g12360
32527MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Fabulousity 0274.2 g12360
32528MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Rosy Outlook 0284.2 g12360
32529MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Blushing Beauty 0294.2 g12360
32530MO M* Creme Matte Lipstick Adorable 0304.2g12360
31025MO M* Star Light Lipstick Rose Berry 0254g16480
31026MO M* Star Light Lipstick Luscious Peach 0264g16480
31027MO M* Star Light Lipstick Touch of lavender 0274g16480
31028MO M* Star Light Lipstick Pretty Bella 0284g16480
31029MO M* Star Light Lipstick Hot Red 0294g16480
31030MO M* Star Light Lipstick Mystery Brown 0304g16480
15031MO M* Star Light Lipstick Plum Magic 0314g14.17425
15032MO M* Star Light Lipstick Orchid Pink 0324g14.17425
31039MO M* To p Coat Lipstick Bronze 0393.6 g18540
31040MO M* To p Coat Lipstick Silver 0403.6 g18540
31101MO M* Dual Tone Lipstick Mauve Magic 00 I4 g17.5525
31102MO M* Dual Tone Lipstick Peachy Affair 0024g1 7.50525
31103MO M* Dual Tone Lipstick Sweet Red 0034g17.5525
31104MO M* Dual Tone Lipstick Berry Berry Me 0044g17.5525
31105MO M* Dual Tone Lipstick Spice Up 0054g1 7.50525
31106MO M* Dual Tone Lipstick Diplomat’s Pink 0064g17.5525
33001MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Sexy 00 I6 ml10.17305
33002MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Romance 0026 ml10.17305
15203MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Sensational 0036 ml9270
15204MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss First Date 0046 ml9270
33005MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Seductive 0056ml10.17305
33006MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss First Crush 0066 ml10.17305
33007MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Gold Rush 0076ml10.17305
33008MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Cherry Blossom 0086ml10.17305
33009MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Innocence 0096ml10.17305
33010MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Pink Me O I 06ml10.17305
33011MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Cinnamon O I I6 ml1 0.1 7305
33012MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Strawberry O 126 ml10.17305
33013MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Soft Peach O 136 ml10.17305
33014MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Cookie Crush O 146 ml10.17305
33015MO M* Silk Shine Lip Gloss Sweet Coral O156 ml10.17305
33101MO M* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Plum Tart 00 I6 ml18.67560
33102MOM* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Peach Candy 0026 ml18.67560
33103MOM* long Wear Liquid Lipstick Cinnabon 0036 ml18.67560
33104MO M* LongWear Liquid Lipstick Walnut Crush 0046 ml18.67560
33105MOM* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Red Velvet 0056 ml18.67560
33106MO M* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Wine Mousse 0066 ml18.67560
15407MOM* LongWear Liquid Lipstick Dawn Citrus 0076 ml1 6.67500
15408MOM* longWear Liquid Lipstick Caramel Syrup 0086 ml16.67500
33109MO M* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Pink Paradise 0096 ml18.67560
33110MO M* long Wear Liquid Lipstick Tangy Peach 0106 ml18.67560
15411MO M* LongWear Liquid Lipstick Poured Wine 0116 ml20600
15412MOM* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Touch of Gold 0126 ml20600
33113MO M* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Shining Star 0136 ml18.67560
33114MOM* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Berry Shine 0146ml18.67560
33115MO M* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Fire Starter 0156ml18.67560
33116MO M* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Celebrity 0166ml18.67560
33117MO M* long Wear Liquid Lipstick Coco Mia 0176ml18.67560
33118MO M* Long Wear Liquid Lipstick Summer Wine 0186ml18.67560
33119MO M* LongWear Liquid Lipstick Lovely Lips 0196ml18.67560
33120MO M* LongWear Liquid Lipstick Rosy Pink 0206ml18.67560
33121MO M* LongWear Liquid Lipstick Cinder Rose 0216ml18.67560
33122MO M* long Wear Liquid Lipstick Pink Shock 0226ml18.67560
33123MO M* long Wear Liquid Lipstick Scarlet Fever 0236ml18.67560
33124MO M* long Wear Liquid Lipstick Perfect Maroon 0246ml18.67560
36101MO M* Lip Chubby Damsel Lips 00 I3.5 g15450
36102MO M* Lip Chubby Watermelon 0023.5 g15450
36103MO M* Lip Chubby Kiss Kiss 0033.5 g15450
36104MO M* Lip Chubby Pink Pop 0043.5 g15450
36105MOM* Lip Chubby Cinderella 0053.5 g15450
36106MO M* Lip Chubby Club Red 0063.5 g15450
16001MO M* Ultra Define Lip Liner Cherry Red 00 I0.35 g12360
16002MOM* Ultra Define Lip Liner Deep Maroon 0020.35 g12360
16003MO M* Ultra Define Lip Liner Classic Brown 0030.35 g12360
16004MO M* Ultra Define Lip Liner Perfect Pink 0040.35 g12360

Vestige MOM Nails Products list

P.CodeProduct DescriptionP.SizePVDP(INR) 
34001MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Enchanted 00 I10 ml6.33190
34002MOM* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Hot Pink 00210 ml6.33190
34003MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Power Pink 00310 ml6.33190
34004MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Purple Orchid 00410 ml6.33190
34005MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Dream Pink 00510 ml6.33190
34006MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Modern Mauve 00610 ml6.33190
15507MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Milky Way 00710 ml5.67170
34008MOM* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Timeless 00810 ml6.33190
34009MO M* Ultra Stay Nail LacquerValentine 00910 ml6.33190
34010MOM* Ultra Stay Nail LacquerVintage 01010 ml6.33190
34011MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Deep Cherry 01110 ml6.33190
34012MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Caramelo 01210 ml6.33190
15513MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Down 2 Earth 01310 ml5.67170
15514MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Dark Fantasy 01410 ml5.67170
34015MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Berry Darling 01510 ml6.33190
34016MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer BlackVelvet 016106.33190
15517MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Silky Silve r 017105.67170
34018MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Sunset Gold 018106.33190
15519MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Mystery Brown 01910ml5.67170
34020MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Shimmer Ruby 02010ml6.33190
34021MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Moony Mauve 02110ml6.33190
15522MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Brown Sugar 022105.67170
15523MO M* Ultr a Stay Nail Lacquer Snow White 023 10ml5.67170
34024MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Summer Orange 02410 ml6.33190
34025MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Perfection 02510 ml6.33190
15533MO M* Matte Nail Lacquer Tulip Frost 033106.33190
34028MO M* Ma tte Nail Lacquer Sapphire Frost 034107210
34029MOM * Matte Nail Lacquer Oran ge Frost 035107210
34030MO M* Matte Nail Lacquer Rouge Frost 036107210
34031MO M* Matte Nail Lacquer Ruby Frost 037107210
34032MO M* Ma tte Nail Lacquer Lemon Frost 038107210
34039MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Lavender Luck 045106.33190
34040MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Aqua Marine 046106.33190
34041MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Peaches 047106.33190
34042MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Lilly Pink 048106.33190
34043MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Rose Bud 049106.33190
34044MOM * Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Dreamy Rouge 050106.33190
34051MO M* New Gen Nail Lacquer Rose Punch 051107210
34052MOM * New Gen Nail Lacquer True Gold 052107210
34053MO M* New Gen Nail Lacquer Peacock 053107210
34054MO M* New Gen Nail Lacquer Sangria 054107210
34055MO M* New Gen Nail Lacquer Matte Plum 055107210
34056MOM * New Gen Nail Lacquer Gold Dust 056107210
34057MO M* New Gen Nail Lacquer Icy Blue 057107210
34058MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Sporty Violet 058106.33190
34059MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Lilac Beauty 059106.33190
34060MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Passionate Blue 060106.33190
34061MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Mermaid 061106.33190
34062MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Detox Me 062106.33190
34063MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Pinky Promise 063106.33190
34064MOM * Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Summer Vibe 064106.33190
34065MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Orange Candy 065106.33190
34066MOM * Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Prom Night 066106.33190
34067MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer First Impression 067106.33190
34068MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Love Letter 068106.33190
34069MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Torti la 069106.33190
34070MOM * Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer I Love Red 070106.33190
34071MO M* Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer Lava 071106.33190
34072MOM * Ultra Stay Nail Lacquer French Tips 072106.33190
34045MOM * Dip n Clean Nail Polish Remover30 ml9.17275

Vestige MOM Eye Products List

P.CodeProduct DescriptionP.SizePVDP(INR) 
35001MO M* True Define Eyeliner Pencil 00 I0 . 288.33250
35006MOM * Eye Rule Eyeliner PenI ml15450
35101MO M* Showtime Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner3 ml10.83325
16151MOM * True Emotion Eyeshadow Obsessive Smokey Trio 00 I3.6 g12.4372
35152MO M* True Emotion Eyeshadow Happy Pink Trio 0023.6 g17.5525
35153MO M* True Emotion Eyeshadow Power Brown Trio 0033.6 g17.5525
16154MOM * True Emotion Eyeshadow Hypnotic Hues Trio 0043.6 g16480
35155MO M* T rue Emotion Eyeshadow Emerald Fuse Trio 0053.6 g17.5525
35156MO M* True Emotion Eyeshadow Caramel Twist Trio 0063.6 g17.5525
35002MO M* Deep Define Kajal (Black)2.5 g6.33190
35003MO M* Deep Define Kajal (Blue) 0022.5 g7.83235
35004MO M* Deep Define Kajal (Green) 0032.5 g7.83235
16104MO M* Deep Define Kajal (Brown) 0042.5 g7210
35008MO M* Deep Define Kajal (Purple) 0052.5 g7.83235
35007MO M* Dee p Define Kajal (Peacock Green) 0062.5 g7.83235
35401MO M* Showtime Mascara8ml18.33550

Vestige MOM Face Products List

P.CodeProduct DescriptionP.SizePVDP(INR) 
30001MO M* Perfect Blend Liquid Foundation Ivory 0013 0 ml14.33433
30002MO M* Perfect Blend Liquid Foundation Petal 00230 ml14.33433
30003MO M* Perfect Blend Liquid Foundation Sand 00330 ml14.43433
16208MO M* Perfect Blend Liquid Foundation Amber 00430 ml10.27308
30006MOM * True Look Compact Powder Light Ivory 00 I9 g1 2.67380
30007MO M* Tru e Look Compact Powder Light Petal 0029 g12.67380
30008MOM * True Look Compact Powder Light Sand 0039 g12.67380
16304MO M* True Look Compact Powder Light Amber 0049 g8240
16305MO M* True Look Compact PowderVanilla Glow 0059 g10.53 I 5
16306MO M* True Look Compact Powder Honey Glow 0069 g10.5315
30009MO M* T rue Look Compact Powder Pearl 0079 g16.33490
35301MO M* Silk Glow Blush Desire 00 I4.5 g14.17425
35302MO M * Silk Glow Blush Sun Kissed 0024.5 g1 4.1 7425
35303MOM * Silk Glow Blush In Love 0034.5 g14.17425
35304MO M* Silk Glow Blush Swee theart 0044.5 g1 4.1 7425
35305MOM * Silk Glow Blush Make My Day 0054.5 g1 4.1 7425
35205MO M* Makeup Pro Fix Loose Powder6 g17.67530
36001MO M* Complete Coverage Concealer 00 I6 ml16.67500
36002MO M* Complete Coverage Concealer 0026 ml16.67500
36003MOM * Complete Cove rage Concealer 0036 ml1 6.67500
36004MOM * Complete Coverage Concealer 0046 ml1 6.67500
30005MOM * Face & Eye Makeup RemoverI 0013.17395

Vestige MOM Accessories Products List

P.CodeProduct DescriptionP.SizePVDP(INR) 
7302MOM * BrushesSet of 316.33490
7305MOM * Product Catalogue1 book025
MOM * T-shirt (S/M/UXUXXL)1 piece7.5450

Vestige Official Website:-

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Vestige Products एक गुणवत्तापूर्ण आयुर्वेदिक और स्वदेशी उत्पादों का समूह है जो सरकारी स्तर पर मान्यता प्राप्त कर चुका है। यह समूह बेहतर स्वास्थ्य के लिए वास्तविक और प्राकृतिक समाधान प्रदान करता है।

Vestige Products कैसे खरीद सकते हैं?

Vestige Products आप हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाकर, Vestige के अधिकृत वितरकों से या हमारे business join करके खरीद सकते हैं।

क्या Vestige Products पर कोई वापसी पॉलिसी है?

हां, Vestige Products पर वापसी और रिफंड की नीति है। अगर आपको कोई समस्या आती है या आप खुश नहीं हैं, तो आप हमारे ग्राहक सेवा से संपर्क कर सकते हैं और हमारी वापसी नीति के अनुसार समाधान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

क्या Vestige Products सुरक्षित हैं?

हां, Vestige Products सुरक्षित हैं और उनका उत्पादन सरकारी स्तर पर नियमित रूप से निगरानी किया जाता है। हम अपने उत्पादों की सुरक्षा पर पूरा ध्यान देते हैं और केवल प्राकृतिक और आयुर्वेदिक घटकों का उपयोग करते हैं।

Vestige Products कैसे स्वास्थ्य को सुधार सकते हैं?

Vestige Products, स्वास्थ्य को प्राकृतिक तरीकों से सुधारने में मदद करते हैं। ये उत्पाद सुरक्षित और आयुर्वेदिक गुणों से भरपूर हैं, जो आपके शरीर को पोषण प्रदान करते हैं और विभिन्न स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का समाधान प्रदान करते हैं।

क्या Vestige Products के वितरक बनने के लिए कोई शैक्षिक योग्यता आवश्यक है?

नहीं, Vestige Products के वितरक बनने के लिए कोई विशेष शैक्षिक योग्यता की आवश्यकता नहीं है। वह कोई भी व्यक्ति, जो Vestige के साथ जुड़ना चाहता है, वितरक बन सकता है और अपना व्यवसाय शुरू कर सकता है।

क्या Vestige Products बच्चों और वयस्कों दोनों के लिए उपयोग किया जा सकता है?

हां, Vestige Products बच्चों और वयस्कों दोनों के लिए उपयोग किए जा सकते हैं। हम विभिन्न आयु समूहों के लिए विशेष उत्पाद भी प्रदान करते हैं, जो बच्चों की स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल के विशेष आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं।

Final Words

अब आपने Vestige Products New Price List India 2023, Vestige MOM Products List 2023,Vestige Products Price List देख लिया है। इस पोस्ट को अपने ग्रुप में शेयर करे।

हमे अपना बेसकीमती फीडबैक दे। धन्यवाद्

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